Is it going to be hard to say good bye?
After almost four decades of service, she retires to be with the things that are more precious to her heart and it isn't football.
She is actually very tired but her love for BDC has made her stayed a little bit longer, a little bit longer when her heart was half way around the globe. She talked about her leaving almost a decade ago. She talked about taking classes and getting a degree to her name. And she mentioned about not inviting me to her next wedding - her everlasting wedding in three years time. She said she is not going to wear white but red like the colour she is going to dye her hair or was it the colour that she is going to shower herself with. The colour of fire - to keep her feeling sexy. Not yellow on that day.
Her last day was indeed a very sad day for most of us. She was the ever polite Grace who would take you to places where she has gone before - her stories were endless. Her description of things were almost picture perfect. She was not scared to try, to up challenges and to learn a trick or two. She even climbed Mount Murut - yes indeed she did - to conquer her quest of the unknown. That is how I would like to remember her by - undefeated.
So is it hard to say good bye?
Yes. Silence is golden for they don't turn to watery droplets that trashes down like rain.
The best writer in BDC had a change of heart and therefore dear people, be warned that the upcoming articles would be street-smart materials rather than how articles are meant to be written.

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