Almost half of the population was missing in action. The circular seem to take them by surprised; the notice at the entrance must have not caught their attention. And so, they missed out a lecture about the etiquette of the engineers.
Three main values:
1. Respect others.
2. Make judgement based on evidences and facts.
3. Do things for the good of all and not just for individual interest.
My apology if my summary is not that lengthy. I forgotten to bring forth anything to copy them down. Emmm.... tell me if I have to add a bit of this and that to make it more accurate. Or did I missed out the points?
With the retirement of Grace Ong, we had to source for a new MC. Not everybody is born to speak publicly, even if it is just amongst colleagues and friends. So the HR Planner has to seek for courses to train the next in-line. In the meantime, the ever-ready Puan Hajah Zaliha came to the rescue.

Puan Hajah Zaliha looking worried at her photo been taken.
If she sees the outcome of this photo, she might be more worried. Oh Oh...

Encik Saberi took the honour of reciting the Rukunegara for the last General Assembly for the year.
Maybe we should get the Chairman to recite the Rukunegara during the Annual Dinner. What say you guys?We have only three Winter Babies left with Lau Ah Tze gone.
Encik Zaidi Dilah, the only Novemberian, showing off his unfinished curry puffs.
Encik Mohd Dollah and Puan Inie Bujang sharing December as their birthmonth.
Zainab and Joana, propective MC.
Send me your vote.
Suhaili Ahmad trying not to choke at all those teasing....
Our never-ending visitor on General Assembly Day, Tan Khoon Chin of Bodco Engineering - the one who did Samarindah, phone number 01985906xx. We offered him to return back to BDC but surely we can't afford him anymore.