Be Real, Be Appreciative, Be Interested & Be Nice.
Almost the ending of the Acting General Manager, Ir Dr John Panil, speech, Destination - Work rang through the air. Unfortunately the four Bees didn't stung easy remembrance. Referring back, it is about focusing on people - the staffs first, instead of the usual customers come first. The idea is - when the staffs are happy, the customers will be happy. The performance numbers will soar. If only eagles can chew.
Can they?
Can they be trusted? Are you willing to be trusted? Trusted with responsibilities without cutting corners here and there? Without getting the trustee worried about missing efforts, missing agendas and missing pages of a one-page report.
Be Real, Be Appreciative, Be Interested & Be Nice.
Girls just wanna have fun. ~ Cyndi Lauper
Boys do too. Do work as if you are having fun. Laughing along while your hands continue working with focus and trust. Walk the talk. Don't just talk or don't just walk. Duhhh.
BUT most important of all, everybody has to be in the same boat. No classification of caste. No clicking, no grouping, cause its all about working as one and not against each other, pointing at others. And it has to start with the top. With the topmost people participating. It only works if everybody is into it.
For a start, everybody SMILE!!!

If you break the mirror, you would get the 7 years curse. Breaking the knife is hopefully not tied to any by-laws of the unsaid world. ~grin~
Our January's babies had gone down-under, making this General Assembly the first birthday's celebrations for the year. A combined celebration for those born in February and March.
Happy Birthday to you and you and you....
Recitation of the Rukunegara was lead by Saodah Deni in January and Rabiatuladawwiyah Sajali, the semi-new kid on the block, during the last assembly.
